08 April 2008 ~ 3 Comments

Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen

Sweet teeth (tooths??) are a hard thing to control. Jam’s is almost uncontrollable, and mine tends to follow suit. The Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen has always been a weakness of mine, for good reason. I’ve never left there thinking, “That was the worst pie/ice cream/cake/cookie ever.” But really, are there any bad desserts out there?

Jam’s had this idea for a dessert for quite some time, and we have discussed it thoroughly over our numerous lunches we take together (even the pricing). I hope you don’t mind, Jam, if I publish this, but you read it here first ladies and gents. Jam’s patent is still pending.

Jam has named this delectable delight the…wait….you sure you’re ready for this? Okay, here goes:

The Pie Slamma-Jamma

1 Chocolate-Covered Ice Cream Cone
1/2 Slice of Pie (your choice)
1 (or 2) Scoops of Ice Cream (again, your choice)

Take the 1/2 slice of pie, and slam it into the bottom of the Chocolate-Covered Ice Cream Cone.
Next, put the scoops of Ice Cream on top. Enjoy.

He actually tried to “pitch” this to the manager, and she thought it was kind of a good idea. Today was the first day he actually ordered one. He got Pecan Pie and Snickers Ice Cream (wow, that’s RICH!)

There is but one thing is keeping this from going mass-market: After about the third bite, the cone fell apart and the inaugural Pie Slamma-Jamma fell into one big clump onto the floor. The hilariousness hasn’t fully ensued yet, as Mrs. Jam and I were about to fall over from laughing: Jam bends down, picks the gloppy mess up, puts the freakin’ thing back in the cone, and continues to eat it. WTF?? That’s dedication to a new product right there.

So, my upside-down Caramel cupcake was excellent, albeit a bit rich. I should have gotten some milk to go along with it. Mrs. Jam ate the other half of Jam’s Pecan Pie, and we all left happy (as usual.) Except the manager who then had to clean up the mess. Damn those Pie Slamma-Jamma’s.

Rating: 9/10

Address: 1041 Bardstown Road | Louisville, KY 40204 (+ other locations – these things are popping up like Starbucks!)
Phone: (502) 618-3380

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3 Responses to “Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen”

  1. Chris 19 April 2008 at 9:54 am Permalink

    There is but one thing is keeping this from going mass-market: After about the third bite, the cone fell apart and the inaugural Pie Slamma-Jamma fell into one big clump onto the floor. The hilariousness hasn’t fully ensued yet, as Mrs. Jam and I were about to fall over from laughing: Jam bends down, picks the gloppy mess up, puts the freakin’ thing back in the cone, and continues to eat it. WTF?? That’s dedication to a new product right there.

    That has to be the best paragraph I’ve read in a long time!

  2. Sammy 19 April 2008 at 9:45 pm Permalink

    ha ha…thanks Chris. It was probably even funnier being there. That Jam is one crazy sunofabuck when it comes to dessert.

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